resume sample format

Résumé Sample Format

Download this sample format you can use to develop your own professional résumé. You can open in Word, edit with your own information and then save to a Document or your own PDF file. Click on the image above to download the PDF and get started on your own professional résumé today. Need help finding your next adventure? Contact us …

Partner With A Recruiting Professional

Partner With A Recruiting Professional

As a professional or executive, you focus far more time on performing your job well and meeting your goals than in the job search and the interview process.  Partner with a recruiting professional to improve your career potential, one that can advise you on career moves and major decisions along your career path. I talk often with candidates that have …

Key Considerations In Your Resume

Key Considerations In Your Resume

There are many formats and styles to resumes and candidates commonly ask what makes a good resume stand out.  Surely, many of you have heard that people who review many resumes as part of their job spend 15 to 20 seconds on each resume before deciding to move on or take a more thorough look.  When I started my recruiting …

Employer Profiles On Your Resume

Employer Profiles On Your Resume

Highlighting prominently your employer profiles on your resume plays a key role in helping the resume reviewer understand your background.  When hiring managers and search professionals review resume’s they work quickly to determine if the candidate is a possible fit for their needs.  Something you can do to help your resume stand out and provide helpful information is to provide …

Why Certifications Are Important

Why Certifications Are Important

Certifications are definitely important for your career mobility and growth as they document that you have “certified” knowledge in your area of certification and have passed the requirements needed to perform a certain role.  Credentials and certificates from recognized institutes or organizations serve to improve your knowledge, document your skills and expertise, and bolster your qualifications.  They highlight that you …

Importance of Letters of Recommendation

The Importance of Letters of Recommendation

The Importance of Letters of Recommendation are important.  They are a valuable supplement to your resume and enhance your potential for career advancement and employment continuity.  Hiring Managers evaluate your resume and your performance through the interview process.  They also perform due diligence in comparison to other leading candidates  to help them determine whether to move forward with you or …

Prior to Interview Do Your Homework

Prior to Interview Do Your Homework

Prior to the interview always do your Homework.  When preparing for any interview, always do your research on the target company.  Latest news, trends, products, teaming arrangements, etc.  Focus not only what they produce or do at the facility you are interviewing with but also work to understand what the company does on a larger scale over the corporation as …

Improve Your Social Media Presence

Improve Your Social Media Presence

Improve your social media presence to maximize positive exposure to your profile.  Whether you have embraced social media in your professional life or not, the fact is, it plays a large role in how candidates find new roles and companies advertise for talent.  LinkedIn and Twitter are two common networking platforms but others exist as well.  Quite often I come …

Send an Interview Thank You

Always Send an Interview Thank You

Why send an interview Thank You?  This is all too common an overlooked etiquette that surprisingly most people neglect to do.  In addition to interviewing well by presenting yourself in a professional manner, wearing proper attire and using professional body language, etc., one of the most important things that you can do to help land that ideal position is to …

Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Improve your interviewing skills using the *STAR method and the process below.  Whether you are currently involved in interviews or planning to seek your next opportunity, practicing and perfecting your interviewing abilities will help you clinch that great position when the time is right.  To help you prepare for your interviews, start by brainstorming your top accomplishments, characteristics, and qualities.  …