resume sample format

Résumé Sample Format

Download this sample format you can use to develop your own professional résumé. You can open in Word, edit with your own information and then save to a Document or your own PDF file. Click on the image above to download the PDF and get started on your own professional résumé today. Need help finding your next adventure? Contact us …

Key Considerations In Your Resume

Key Considerations In Your Resume

There are many formats and styles to resumes and candidates commonly ask what makes a good resume stand out.  Surely, many of you have heard that people who review many resumes as part of their job spend 15 to 20 seconds on each resume before deciding to move on or take a more thorough look.  When I started my recruiting …

Employer Profiles On Your Resume

Employer Profiles On Your Resume

Highlighting prominently your employer profiles on your resume plays a key role in helping the resume reviewer understand your background.  When hiring managers and search professionals review resume’s they work quickly to determine if the candidate is a possible fit for their needs.  Something you can do to help your resume stand out and provide helpful information is to provide …